The Most Exotic 1969 SS396 L78/L89 M21 4.10 Chevelle Ever Discovered, Stolen 40 Years!
We invite you to take a look at this amazing find, possibly The Rarest Ultimate 1969 SS396 L78/L89 M21 4.10 Chevelle Ever Found, it was Hiding for 40 Years!
I am sure that you have heard multiple times from different sources how they found the rarest find in years, but I’m sure the folks who told that weren’t Patrick Nichols, and when Patrick says something like that, we should listen very carefully.
Once more he managed to get a real unicorn in front of his camera lens, meaning he somehow made it to find a car that has been off the road since 1977 hidden from everyone.
This amazing machine is still covered in the factory paint which might seep kinda psychedelic for today, but remember those were the sixties so designers had more leeway when doing their work and choosing the colors they would use.
A lot of people might not like the color but honestly we love it, because it suits great sixties philosophy and portraits it properly, so if it’s up to us we say to keep it how it is and never repaint it.
As usual we will leave Patrick to explain the details, because let’s be real compared to him we know almost nothing about this car so much is at the expert of the field.
Near the end of the video there is a special treat, means that you will get to hear the car start and running, Patric has the keys on his pocket this time and gladly treat our ears to the amazing sound of the Chambered Exhaust, which got discontinued quickly but not before the vehicle left the factory flo